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New Version 0.6-2

New features added:
- There is now an optional system configuration file "/etc/ws.conf" that may take precedence over the user configuration file "~/.ws/ws.conf. Usefull when you want all users have the same configuration file. This option can be turned off. 
- More then one domain or workgroup can be defined in ws.conf. We can also deny one or more workgroup to be used.
- Options -q (quiet) and --debug has been added to ws.
- A logfile (optional) is now available for each user.
- The user can now change the directory name and softlink name in the configuration file.
- A progression bar has benn added when scanning the network.
- Accepts international desktop names translations.

An rpm is available for download.

WinShares is a linux program that scans the network and mounts all windows and samba shares available, allowing to browse them. It uses CIFS VFS and it's writen in shell script.
It is very simple to install and use. The project's main goal was to use a simple command or a single click, to mount the shares available on the network, and allow browsing them easily. And this is the way it works.
A configuration file exists, but it is only needed if the user wishes to specify some preferences.
The program is developed in shell script avoiding the need to compile the source.
  • Mounts all (or some) samba and windows shares available in the network using CIFS VFS, allowing to browse them and also streaming media files.
  • Runs in text mode. No need to have a graphical interface.
  • If there is a graphical interface it runs with a simple click and a desktop link is created allowing to browse all the shares mounted.
  • It is written in shell script.
  • WinShares needs samba 3.0.20-2 or newest to work. Mount.cifs and umount.cifs must be present in the system.
  • It was successfully tested in Fedora Core 6, Ubuntu 6.10, OpenSUSE 10.2, Mandriva 2007, Caixa Mágica 11, and newer.
  • It doesn't work in older linux distributions.

Winshares Copyright (C) 2007-2008 M.Carreira Silva