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Installing and Uninstalling
ws - 0.6
Installation instructions

ws is distributed in a file called:
ws-X.Y.Z.tar.gz  (X is the main version, Y the minor version and Z, if exists, the corrected bugs version)

There is also a rpm package named:


Mount.cifs and umount.cifs must exist in the system. If your system use rpm packages, be sure you
have samba-client 3.0.20-2 or higher.

If you have a previous version installed in your system using ws-install, you must uninstall it using ws-unistall before the new install.
To uninstall it you must do:
# ws-uninstall

Install the RPM package:

You can install your new rpm package:

# rpm -ivh winshares-X.Y.Z.noarch.rpm

Install TAR.GZ file:

You must uncompress ws package first and then cd to the directory created:

 $ su -
 $ tar -xzvf ws-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
 $ cd ws-X.Y.Z
 $ ./ws-install
 $ exit
 $ sudo ./ws-install

You are ready to use ws!

During the instalation, /etc/sudoers was reconfigured to accept all users to mount cifs directories.
If you want later to return to the original configuration before installation, you can do:
 $ ws-confsudo off

but this is done also automatically during uninstall, so you seldom would need to use this utility.

When upgrading to a new version, don't forget to uninstall the previous version,
prior to install the new one.

Now you can skip the next item and jump to RUNNING WINSHARES.

MANUALLY INSTALLING (read only if ws-install is not working or you can't use rpm package).

If you have problems installing WinShares in your system, you can copy the files manually.
But first you must run "wsvars" as root.
    $ cd ws-X.Y.Z
    $ ./wsvars
This corrects path variables.

Then copy the files:
    - ws    - is the executable script. You must copy it to /usr/local/bin
    - ws.1    - is the manpage. You must copy it to /usr/local/share/man
    - ws-confsudo - configures sudo. You must copy it to /usr/local/bin
Then you must run:
    $ ws-confsudo on
This configures sudo to accept normal users to run WinShares
That's all.


You can start using WinShares right away (not as root).
    $ ws -h
and you will see a help message.
Then you can do:
    $ ws on
It asks you for a password. The user is your unix user by default.

WinShares will scan the local network and mounts all shares available (only those
that accept your username and password).
If you are working on a graphical desktop you will notice that a link named "WinShares (Mount)",
is now visible in the menu. If you click on it, you can browse all samba shares in the network.

After you finish your job, you can unmount all those shares with:
    $ ws off
or clicking in the menubar link WinShares (Unmount),
and the link "WinShares" in the desktop will disappears.

If you want to mount only some shares and exclude others, you can run:
    $ ws -c
to create a configuration file.
Read man ws.conf to learn how to do it. This is easy to do it.

If you want to automate username and password you can do:
    $ ws -a
it creates an authentication file.
Read man ws.


If you use Gnome Desktop Manager to authenticate the users, and you want every user can mount all cifs shares automatically when he authenticates, then you can run:

 $ su -
 $ ws-auto on
 $ exit
Or, if you have UBUNTU:
 $ sudo ws-auto on
But every user must change his configuration file, changing AUTO option to "yes".
This gives users the option to use it or not.
So the user must do: "ws -c" to change the value with the editor.

If you want to return to the initial condition (nobody can auto mount cifs files) then:

 $ su -
 $ ws-auto off
 $ exit

This feature works in Operating systems using Gnome Desktop Manager (sooner it will work with KDM).


If "ws-auto" fails, then you can do it by hand. Maybe the files are not in the conventional place.
You must search the file gdm/PostLogin/Default and gdm/PostSession/Default and do some changes.
If the authentication file is not created the ws aborts without errors.

Find /etc/X11/gdm/PostLogin/Default (or /etc/gdm/PostSession/Default) and put there a line like that:
 /usr/local/bin/ws -U on

or if you want to be more selectiv, and only users "john" and "mary" uses it automatically, you can write this:

if [ $USER = "john" ] || [ $USER = "mary" ] ; then
    /usr/local/bin/ws -U on
After that, in the /etc/X11/gdm/PostLogin/Default file, you write this simple line, just before the "exit 0" line:
/usr/local/bin/ws -f off

This allows to unmount all the shares when loging off. The "-f" option is necessary to kill some process that is still using the mounted filesystem.


To uninstall the program you have previously installed with ws-install, you must do:

 $ su -
 $ ws-uninstall
 $ exit

(or in UBUNTU):
 $ sudo ws-uninstall

To uninstall the program you have previously installed with rpm, you must do:

 $ rpm -e winshares

Winshares Copyright (C) 2007-2008 M.Carreira Silva